Sunday, August 14, 2011

Weston, Helen, Terry, and Mike 1957

1 comment:

  1. Sitting on the lawn of Francis’s old white house in 1957.
    I can barely remember living in that old house when Terry and I were 3 and 2 years old. This must have been the summer before mom got pregnant with Debbie. We must have been over visiting grandpa and grandma Rip one day. It think that we were actually living over in horseshoe at the time. There was an old house over there at that time. I think that it was a small brown house. We were over because dads brothers and sisters were there visiting as well. Aunt Alta or Aunt Cecil has their back to us. As a young boy I remember loving to play on the lawn. We didn’t get a lawn for many years. Dad and mom always seemed to have the philosophy that if you didn’t have the money for something extra you should save up for it and pay cash for it so that you don’t keep accruing dept.


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